The spiritual way is only for the inner development. So whatever's is good for your inner development, elevating your wisdom and your virtue, then follow that path, even if it costs money. But most of the time, the path that leads you to the Truth doesn’t cost money. There’s a tradition of the great Masters to not take money. They can only give and not take. […]
We don’t take offerings from people because we have enough. We have more than enough with ourselves, what God gives us. So we don’t need the money anyhow. […] I’m very frugal. Most of the money, we don’t use that much because we don’t build a big temple or we don’t spend it on any outer decoration, and all that. So even though we don’t have a lot of money, we seem to have a lot because we spend it only on people and not on the temples or ourselves. […]
You repeat the Five (Holy) Names, and whatever comes, let it come. It will go itself. Because we collect too much information every day, so when we sit still, we realize that we have a lot of garbage. Normally, it’s already there, but if we don’t sit still, we don’t know. And sometime later, it will be empty, and there will be less trouble. […]